Apropos blog title, no? A little Spanish, a little witty, and a whole lot of unemployment. Well, drink it down, because for the next (enter undetermined period of time here) you're in my world, guys/gals (you know who you are, *cough*, RL, JK, CVHWGN, JD, and HV...i can't add some of the other initials 'cause they aren't necessarily kid friendly i.e. STD).
I am headed to Oviedo, Spain on the 15th of July, and for those of you who do not have a globe any longer (it now belongs to the dark side, apparently), it is located here:

For all those who did not participate in "My Going Far Away Celebration Extravaganza '09", here is the gift that was bestowed upon me in all it's glory:

That's all for now because go practice how to say "Corona? Absolutely!" in Spanish...